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PSIA State Qualifiers

The Canterbury Episcopal School participated in the PSIA, Private School Interscholastic Association, District Meet last Saturday, April 2nd.  This association is a nonprofit education organization offering 59 academic contests in content areas including math, science, language arts, speech, social studies and fine arts.  Approximately 48,000 private school students throughout Texas, including home-schooled and public charter schools, are members of PSIA.  Students may participate from grades 1 through 8.

Forty-three Canterbury Episcopal School students participated with 33 top six finishes.  Eleven students will be representing Canterbury Episcopal School at the 2016 PSIA Academic State Meet at Texas Christian University with ten Canterbury students earning the first alternate spot.  To qualify, students had to place first or second individually in one or more contests at the District Meet.  Approximately 2,600 students from across Texas will be attending the 2016 PSIA Academic State Meet, and Canterbury is proud to take part in this prestigious program that inspires each student to reach his or her highest academic goals each year.

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