What do children learn at school or even the public library about being a better environmental steward? You might be surprised. Some local cities have public...
As school draws to a close, most parents like to drop off a little something for the adults who've helped raise their children over the past nine months....
It’s that time of year again. *cue that Alice Cooper song* Kids are rejoicing in their newfound freedom and college students are abandoning their dorms to move...
Forty Days of Lent and Sacrifice are about to end with Joy on Easter Sunday Easter is the celebration of Christ’s Resurrection, and is considered the most...
Pre-School Options in Dallas Large in Number, Small in Openings; Option for K-8th grade Schools Promote Student Confidence Children ages 3, 4 and 5 are often...
As DeSoto ISD begins construction on a new elementary school, located southeast of the Polk/Uhl Rd. and Parkerville Rd. intersection, the Board has requested...
Tech Titans, the largest technology trade association in Texas with a particular interest in building the tech workforce of tomorrow, hosted a STEM video...
Canterbury fifth graders participated in a Grant Writing Project before Christmas. Students were asked to research a non-profit organization that interested...
Beth Trimble – Guest Contributor
Jan 18 2017
In the competitive arena of education, DeSoto ISD has stepped up to create the best opportunities for every DeSoto ISD student. “We offer every major...
Beth Trimble – Guest Contributor
Jan 18 2017
DeSoto High School added two All-State Choir Members — Brayla Cook (Junior) & Juliana Simonfalvi (Freshman) - after the January 7 competition in Waco! Brayla...