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Exhibition shows provide a great platform for the exhibitors to grow their business manifold. However, to get the right message across to the visitors and professionally display your products, you need a flawless trade show stand design and build. Building an exhibit is stressful enough, yet it is not enough to ensure success at the event. You must also know how to run your booth and attract good traffic to your booth. This involves planning, time, resources, investment, and comprehensive on-site management. Proceed to read this blog and learn a few tips you can use to run your display for trade shows smoothly and flawlessly.

Tips to Run Your Trade Show Booth Seamlessly

Running an exhibition booth professionally and strategically is important to gain profits at a trade show. However, management of the exhibition booth design can become a challenging task with so many intricacies involved. Peruse the following points to know how you can propel your trade show management toward success-

Prepare Well

Having a thorough preparation will make things comfortable during trade show day. Thus, you must ensure that you finish the installation process, inspection, and briefing well ahead of the event. This will give you ample time to look at the shortcomings and suggest suitable solutions. Moreover, you must hire an experienced builder who can ensure adequate quality standards and on-time delivery so that there are no last-minute hurries. Undergo competitor analysis to see major brands that will be participating under the same roof. Get the size, color, design, and custom trade show exhibits right, and check whether the overall aesthetic appeal of your booth is as per the standard. Create a visitor journey in your booth and identify strategies that can give you maximum leads.

Find the Right Teams

An elegant exhibit design can only ensure visitor traffic and the visibility of your brand. The real job begins when a visitor decides to enter your booth. Having a qualified and well-trained sales and operations team will help you ensure optimal visitor experience and sales. Moreover, not just the knowledge, but the overall demeanor and appearance of your team also matters. Therefore, ensure that every team member is well-dressed, tidy, and behaves well. Additionally, all the team members must have the right stamina, enthusiasm, and attitude to represent your brand and educate your target audience throughout the day without tiring. Maintain adequate staff members in your 40x40 exhibit booth so that the staff-to-customer ratio is well-managed.

Keep the Customers Engaged

Visitors must not feel dull or bored in your booth so you must keep the conversations interactive. Moreover, having setups for product demonstrations and slide-show presentations will help you educate your target audience engagingly and seamlessly. Ensure that your staff is focused on the customers throughout the trade show. If a visitor finds staff disinterested and busy on the phone, he or she automatically loses interest. Create free spaces in your booth where conversations can happen. Moreover, ascertain that your booth looks organized and welcoming with the correct lighting, colors, and appropriate seating areas. You can also integrate modern features such as 3D animation and VR to augment visitor’s experience.


Everybody likes gifts and things that they get for free. Visitors are no different. Giving useful and relevant giveaways enables exhibitors to form strong interpersonal relationships with the visitors that boost their conversation rate. On top of that, giveaways also help in spreading the buzz around the venue. Word of mouth works here and generates more traffic to your website, mostly for giveaways, but traffic nonetheless. Instead of giving generic giveaways like notepads, pens, and USB sticks, try to make your freebies more specific to your industry.

Collect Data

Other than high-profile trade show booth design, products, and sales, exhibition shows are also about information. As an exhibitor, you get exposure to many facets of the industry. You can get to know about competitors and higher-profile brands in your industry. Moreover, there are also opportunities to learn about upcoming products, new trends, and evolving industry standards. You can also know about investors and visitors and what exactly they are looking for. Collecting all these data makes an exhibitor more knowledgeable. Leveraging all these data, you can better prepare for the next event.

Have Fun!

It is important to remember that visitors don’t come to the venue with a serious mindset. Most of them visit to have a day out and have fun. So, it is important to match their mood and cheerfully talk about your product. You can ask your staff to use more humor and light-hearted tone to make customers more comfortable. Yet, your staff must be approachable and knowledgeable about your brand and the industry so that the visitors feel that they are in the right place. If there are any mistakes, learn from them, and perform well next time.


Exhibition shows are remarkable events that allow exhibitors to get great exposure and profit-making opportunities. However, to get the right results at trade shows, exhibitors need to adopt the right approach from start to finish. Approaching the right booth developer will get you a proper trade show booth, which is critical for success. However, you must still run your booth well and ensure professional on-site management to reach objectives. Get insights on trade show booth rental in Long Beach from trade show booth experts. Recruit experienced booth builders like Triumfo Inc. to get pristine-quality booths delivered on time.

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